Republic Seabees in Canada

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C-FJIT (MSN 148)
Photo: © courtesy Alban Marcoux

No other country imported Republic Seabee amphibians in such great numbers as Canada. The Seabee amphibians were just perfect for this vast country of large remote areas of wilderness, thousands of lakes and low population density.  Canada was true bush country and in Canada the Seabee were put to hard work as commercial bushplanes.

CF-FJG (MSN 825) of BC Airlines
Photo: © Gordon Parker -

The Seabees were imported in huge numbers by five major dealers and bushplane operators, one in each of the most populated provinces;  Leavens Bros. Air Service in Ontario, Pulsifer Bros. in Nova Scotia, McDonald Aviation in Alberta, Curtiss-Reid Flying Service in Quebec and MacLeod Aircraft in British Columbia.

The below list of RC-3 Seabee amphibians originally exported from manufacturer Republic Aviation Corporatin to Canada is based on a Republic Seabee Deliveries list made by RAC early 1948.  This list was provided Mr. Robert Porter, WA, through Mr. Steve Mestler of International Republic Seabee Owners Club (IRSOC).

Mr. Steve Mestler generously has made this list available to the author of this website ( ).  Thank you very much, Steve, for your kind support!

CF-DJV Photo: Jack Zavitz

CF-DJV - the first Canadian Seabee!
Photo: © Jack Zavitz courtesy David Zavitz

CF-JLI (MSN 1048)
Photo: Courtesy Jim Newton


CF-EJI (MSN 393)
Chinook Flying Service Ltd., Calgary, AB, Canada
Crashed 27 July 1956
Photo: © McTavish Family via Trevor McTavish

Chinook Flying Service Ltd. of Calgary, Alberta, was one of many commercial operators of Seabees in Canada. Unfortunately Chinook's operation of CF-EJI (MSN 393) was short-lived.  The Seabee that was bought for a DEW Line contract along the Arctic Coast. In 1953 Franz, Marjorie and Gerry flew to Vancouver to inspect the amphibian, which was owned by Grant McConnachie of Canadian Pacific Airlines fame.

Following the inspection and purchase Gerry was tasked with flying the plane home. Because the Seabees and Navions had a history of loosing oil through their propellers Gerry asked about what to do in an emergency. In his typical, understated manner Franz simply said, "reach under the seat, grab the landing gear crank, throw it out the door and follow it down." Seabees were known to be notoriously poor gliders. Gerry only flew it a short while longer, then it was sent to Fort Smith, NWT, while enroute to the Arctic. With Lloyd Smith at the controls and approaching for landing, he pulled the mixture to cutoff instead of the carburetor heat. Powerless, the Seabee crashed into the trees, injuring Lloyd and killing the only passenger.

To read more about Chinook Flying Service and their aircraft, please visit Trevor McTavish's website.


Kedge Lodge, Nova Scotia, Canada
Photo: © courtesy of Rick Young


Registration MSN Delivered Deleted Remarks
N87550 CF-BFR 111 1974/10/23 1992/04/01 Ex N87550.

Fate unknown.

CF-BKU 831 1973/10/10 Current. Ex N6561K.

Jean Pinard; 137, Route 123, Lac-au-Saumon, Quebec G0J 1M0, Canada.

CF-DJV CF-DJV 45 1946/08/31 Current.

Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

2002/08/13 C of R cancelled.

CF-DJW 87 1946/10/08 1953/10/07 Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

1953/08/14 Lake Saskatoon, Alberta: crashed on landing at lake. Pilot Jens Dalen seriously injured. Owner, Dr. Daniel Gurth O'Briend, drowned.

CF-DJX CF-DJX 242 1947/01/14 1990/05/23  Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

To N7137B.

CF-DJY CF-DJY 391 1947/02/28
Current Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

Brad Gemmer; 9060-24th Street, Edmonton,  Alberta T6P 1X2, Canada.

CF-DJZ 453 1947/03/06 1954/02/03 Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

1953/11/17: 1/4 mile North of Depot Lake, Ontario: Forced landing in the bush due to engine failure/fire. Destroyed by impact/fire. No injuries to pilot George G. Smith.

CF-DKA CF-DKA 515 1947/03/24 Current. Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

Heinz Rohner; P.O. Box 698, Elk Point, Alberta T0A 1A0, Canada.

CF-DKB CF-DKB 569 1947/03/31 1969/01/23 Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.
CF-DKC 622 1947/04/08 1951/12/?? Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

Written off.

CF-DKD 623 1947/04/10 1955/01/??
Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

1950/06/24 near Goderich, Ontario: Crashed on landing when aircraft nosed over into the water. Pilot and six year old son died. Wife survived.

CF-DKE 741 1947/04/26 1950/09/13 Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.
CF-DKF 740 1947/05/06 1963/06/21 Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.
C-FDKG CF-DKG 822 1947/05/21 Current. Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

The Ontario Bushplane Heritage And Forest Fire Educational Centre; 50 Pim Street, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario P6A 3G4, Canada.

CF-DKH 840 1947/05/27 2003/10/08 Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

Exported to USA

C-FDKI CF-DKI 912 1947/06/06 2000/08/28 Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

To N6115A, N295CB.

CF-DKJ 793 1947/05/26
2007/08/16 Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.


CF-DKK 836 1947/05/27 Deleted. Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.
CF-DKL CF-DKL 837 1947/05/27
1998/02/17 Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

1997/09/08: Lake Cowichan, British Columbia, 3 mi west of Pulp Mill, at Youbou, one half mile off shore: Observer reported that the aircraft mad a sudden 90 degree turn and then dropped into the lake. Pilot only on board transported to Victoria Hospital with undetermined injuries.

CF-DKM 839 1947/06/03
1950/08/21 Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

1950/06/16: Go Home Bay, Ontario: Pilot lowered wheels instead of flaps, landing with wheels down on water. Aircraft severely damaged.

CF-DKN 1012 1947/07/23
1950/02/23 Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

1949/11/19: Big Trout Lake, Longford, near Orillia, Ontario, Canada: The aircraft crashed on take-off from water. Pilot survived,  passenger drowned. [Accident Reports # 5002-230 / 5802-6169].

CF-DKO 809 1947/06/16 1949/06/18 Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

Written off.

CF-DKP CF-DKP 810 1947/06/16 Current. Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.
CF-DKQ 916 1947/06/18

Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

1957/06/23: Holland River, Bradford, Ontario: Forced landing when engine failed due to fuel starvation. Aircraft struck the top of a dyke with its nose, then bounced into a marsh and toppled forward onto its back. [Accident Reports # 5008-D11-17 / 5802-7904].

CF-DKR 917 1947/06/18
1949/06/27 Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

1948/05/30 crashed Port Arthur, Ontario, Canada.  Engine failure.

CF-DKS CF-DKS 918 1947/06/23
1998/04/13 Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

Under restoration by
David and Helen Patchett
4011 Halliday Road
Vale, Oregon 97918

CF-DKT 921 1947/06/23
1961/03/23 Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

1948/03/30 crashed Elk Lake, Ontario, Canada.

CF-DKU 922 1947/06/25
1950/09/?? Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

Written off.

CF-DKV 923 1947/06/25
1950/07/14 Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

Written off.

C-FDKW CF-DKW 924 1947/07/08
Current. Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.
CF-DKX 925 1947/07/17
1952/??/?? Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

1952/06/15 Windermere, Ontario: water landing accident, waterloop.

CF-DKY 1023 1947/08/20 Current. (N6735K)

Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

69 1946/09/26
1960/08/23 Pulsifer Bros., Ltd.,  Halifax, Nova Scotia.

1958/08/24 Lake Erie, off Port Stanley, Ontario; crashed an sank after landing at rough water (left wing float failed). Damaged beyond economical repair. Parts used on hull #147 CF-DLN (2).

147 1960/08/23 1963/12/17 Ex N87579.

1963/10/14 Lake Simcoe, Island Groves, Ontario: aircraft landed in lake with wheels down. Aircraft was substantially damaged.

2022 under restoration.

CF-DLO 133 1946/11/15
1970/12/01 Pulsifer Bros., Ltd.,  Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Withdrawn from use.

CF-DLP 245 1947/01/17
1965/02/02 Pulsifer Bros., Ltd.,  Halifax, Nova Scotia.

To C-GAJH, N245RC.

CF-DLQ CF-DLQ 394 1947/02/25
Current. Pulsifer Bros., Ltd.,  Halifax, Nova Scotia.
CF-DLR 519 1947/03/21
1990/11/28 Pulsifer Bros., Ltd.,  Halifax, Nova Scotia.

To N230F.

CF-DLS 627 1947/04/08
2006/02/09 Pulsifer Bros., Ltd.,  Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Written off. Possibly V8 conversion.

CF-DLT CF-DLT 745 1947/04/28
1960/10/14 Pulsifer Bros., Ltd.,  Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Withdrawn from use. Used for spare parts only.

CF-DLU 746 1947/04/25
1962/01/03 Pulsifer Bros., Ltd.,  Halifax, Nova Scotia.

1961/06/17: D'Escousse, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada: Pilot misjudged distance required for safe take off from water, which resulted in a stalled turn at a low altitude, followed by a collision with ground hydro pole and three parked motor vehicles.

CF-DLV CF-DLV 759 1947/05/16
1953/03/30 Pulsifer Bros., Ltd.,  Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Withdrawn from use.

C-FDLX CF-DLX 1016 1947/07/18 Current. Pulsifer Bros., Ltd.,  Halifax, Nova Scotia.
C-FDOQ C-FDOQ 934 2005/05/13 2017/10/06 Robinson V8 engine conversion.

Michael Lush;
873501 5th Line,
Orangeville, Ontario
L9W 2Z2, Canada.

To N578CB.

CF-DYE CF-DYE 395 1947/02/24 Current. McDonald Aviation Co., Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta.
CF-DYF 520 1947/03/24
1952/11/08 McDonald Aviation Co., Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta.

1950/08/24 Point Roberts, Washington, USA. Crashed during cross country flight. Stall/spin. Pilot/owner R. S. MacPherson was killed.

CF-DYG CF-DYG 626 1947/04/25 2013/12/19 McDonald Aviation Co., Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta.
CF-DYH 246 1947/01/17 1961/11/17 McDonald Aviation Co., Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta.

1961/08/16: Port Simpson, BC: After take-off, aircraft struck several small trees and two larger trees and settled down along the trunk of the last large tree and burst into flames. Aircraft was destroyed by fire. Pilot killed, 1 pax killed, 2 pax seriously injured.[File # 5002-1442].

C-FDYI CF-DYI 72 1946/10/13 Current. McDonald Aviation Co., Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta.
CF-DYJ 135 1946/11/20 1963/02/13 McDonald Aviation Co., Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta.
CF-ECR 59 1946/09/26 1954/07/23 Curtiss-Reid Flying Service Ltd.; Montreal, Quebec.

1948/07/08 Toronto, Ontario; A/c took off, reached approximately 200' then started to lose altitude.  In order to avoid localizer house and bush in line of take off, pilot turned left and landed in open field.  

To VP-GAP, N174G.

CF-ECS 84 1946/10/23 1951/12/21 Curtiss-Reid Flying Service Ltd.; Montreal, Quebec.

1951/11/17: Lake Saint-Augustin, Quebec: Accident information not available. Apparently, the aircraft crashed on lake (seaplane base of Ancienne-Lorette Airways) in poor weather, after hitting a submerged rock during landing . Both Captain Rosaire Fiset (44) and his son Gaston Fiset (17) were killed. Aircraft was destroyed. [Accident File # 5002-307].

CF-ECT 243 1947/01/28 1952/07/18 Curtiss-Reid Flying Service Ltd.; Montreal, Quebec.


CF-ECU CF-ECU 392 1947/02/24
1951/04/17 Curtiss-Reid Flying Service Ltd.; Montreal, Quebec.

1947/02/?? accident at Republic Aviation Corporation factory.

Became CF-FRX.

CF-ECV CF-ECV 516 1947/04/01   Curtiss-Reid Flying Service Ltd.; Montreal, Quebec.
CF-ECW CF-ECW 570 1947/04/01 2001/10/22 Curtiss-Reid Flying Service Ltd.; Montreal, Quebec.
CF-ECX CF-ECX 620 1947/04/15 1980/03/05
Curtiss-Reid Flying Service Ltd.; Montreal, Quebec.

1969/05/30 Montreal, Quebec:
Engine fire after landing at the  Pont-Viau-Montreal River. A/C sank to the bottom of the river. Damage to aircraft was substantial.

CF-ECY CF-ECY 621 1947/04/15 1948/01/30 Curtiss-Reid Flying Service Ltd.; Montreal, Quebec.

1947/10/21 Windsor Mills, Quebec; Engine/propeller failure followed by emergency landing in the woods. Pilot Eguène Gagnon died from injuries, three pax seriously injured.

CF-ECZ CF-ECZ 781 1947/05/01 1959/08/14 Curtiss-Reid Flying Service Ltd.; Montreal, Quebec.

Written off 1953?

CF-EII CF-EII 1001 1952/10/24 2008/07/22 Exported to Switzerland.
CF-EJE 71 1946/10/13 Current. MacLeod Aircraft, Ltd., Vancouver, B. C.
CF-EJF CF-EJF 134 1946/11/14
1951/10/11 MacLeod Aircraft, Ltd., Vancouver, B. C.

1951/07/10 West Tahtsa Lake, B. C.: aircraft crashed and sank on "glassy water" landing. 

CF-EJG CF-EJG 244 1947/01/09 1984/05/16 MacLeod Aircraft, Ltd., Vancouver, B. C.

To N5090J.

CF-EJH 98 1947/02/?? 1958/09/16 Ex N87538.

MacLeod Aircraft, Ltd., Vancouver, B. C.

Written off.

CF-EJI CF-EJI 393 1947/02/24
1956/11/01 MacLeod Aircraft, Ltd., Vancouver, B. C.

1956/07/27 Fort Smith, Northwest Territories; 60°01'N, 111°58'W: Forced landing in the bush due to engine failure, caused by mechanical failure of mixture control. 1 fatal, 1 serious.

CF-EJJ 452 1947/02/28
1949/05/12 MacLeod Aircraft, Ltd., Vancouver, B. C.

1949/03/20: Porpoise Island, British Columbia: Aircraft was on a ferry flight from Sechelt, BC, to Vancouver when the engine suddenly stopped. A forced landing was made in the Strait of Georgia. An engine fire was extinguished. The pilot and air engineer drifted four hours before they were picked up. The aircraft was found the next day on the rocks on Trail Island and was destroyed. [Canadian CAR Files# 5008-E10-10 / 5802-18024].

CF-EJK 517 1947/03/21
MacLeod Aircraft, Ltd., Vancouver, B. C.

To N447ZK.

CF-EJL CF-EJL 571 1947/03/31 1978/09/21 MacLeod Aircraft, Ltd., Vancouver, B. C.

Written Off.

CF-EJM 521 1947/03/24
1952/11/25 MacLeod Aircraft, Ltd., Vancouver, B. C.

1951/12/25 Campbell River, B.C.; Aircraft sank at dock. Written Off.

CF-EJN 624 1947/04/08 1960/12/06 MacLeod Aircraft, Ltd., Vancouver, B. C.

1960/05/29: 2 miles NE of shore of Nitinat Lake, Vancouver Island, British Columbia: The aircraft while in a climb experienced engine failure due to carburetor icing, struck trees on the hillside and crashed. Pilot and passengers died.

C-FESQ C-FESQ 884 1952/11/06
Current. Ex N6611K.

Sudbury Aviation Ltd.
Azilda, Ontario.

Under restoration?

C-FESU CF-ESU 631 1974/08/22 1991/07/13 Ex N6393K. 
To N799CB,  N3500G, N129JS.
C-FZYL CF-EVE 003 2011/10/26 Current Ex C-FZYL.

André Durocher
40 rue Principale
Gatineau, Quebec J9H 3L1

Robinson V8 engine conversion.

CF-FCD CF-FCD 352 1952/04/01 1952/12/01 Ex N6164K.

Superior Airways; Fort William, Ontario, Canada

1952/06/01 crashed in the bush 3 miles north of Rossport, Ontario, Canada. Operated by Superior Airways. To Western Canada Aviation Museum; Winnipeg, Manitoba

CF-FCG 887 2003/11/28 2013/05/13 Ex N6614K.

Steven Foster
7538 McCordick Rd, R.R.#4
Kemptville, Ontario K0G 1J0 Canada


CF-FGW Photo: Steve Homewood CF-FGW 417 1952/06/16 Current. Ex N6214K.

Russell L. Bradley Corp.
Ontario, Canada

CF-FJF 744 1947/05/06 1963/11/29 McDonald Aviation Co., Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta.

Withdrawn from use.

CF-FJG 825 1947/05/15 1957/09/27 McDonald Aviation Co., Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta.

1957/04/08: Fraser River, Vancouver, BC: Struck piling on forced landing caused by engine failure due to fuel starvation.

CF-FJH CF-FJH 866 1947/06/10 1954/10/19 McDonald Aviation Co., Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta.

1950/08/19: Pilot was enroute to Towes Brothers logging camp with one passenger aboard, when a landing on Harrison Lake, B.C., was attempted with the wheels down. 

CF-FJI CF-FJI 867 1947/06/10 1950/10/04 McDonald Aviation Co., Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta.

1950/09/04 crashed near Ida Lake, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada, after engine stopped due to fuel starvation.

CF-FJJ CF-FJJ 1014 1947/09/10 1963/01/30 McDonald Aviation Co., Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta.

1959/09/28 Written off, landing accident Monkman Lake, BC, Canada.

CF-EJL CF-EJL 571 1947/06/11 1978/09/21 McDonald Aviation Co., Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta.
CF-FKA 90 1947/01/31 1958/08/18 Ex NC87530.
CF-FLO 625 1947/04/08 1952/12/02 MacLeod Aircraft, Ltd., Vancouver, B. C.

1952/06/21 crashed Campbell River, BC, Canada.

CF-FLP 743 1947/04/25 1969/05/02 MacLeod Aircraft, Ltd., Vancouver, B. C.

Written off.

CF-FLQ 841 1947/05/28 1948/02/06 MacLeod Aircraft, Ltd., Vancouver, B. C.

1948/02/01 Bedwell Harbour, South Pender Island, BC: Aircraft landed on water with wheels down. Damaged beyond repair.

CF-FLR CF-FLR 913 1947/06/04 1951/04/23

MacLeod Aircraft, Ltd., Vancouver, B. C.

1951/02/21 Lund, British Columbia.  The aircraft was moored for the night and during the night the aircraft sank under the dock, into 20 feet of water. Cause not determined. Damaged beyond repair.

C-FFLS CF-FLS 869 1947/05/28 1990/05/29 MacLeod Aircraft, Ltd.; Vancouver, B. C.
CF-FLT 870 1947/05/28 2014/11/10 Ex (N6597K).

MacLeod Aircraft, Ltd.; Vancouver, B. C.

CF-FLU CF-FLU 1013 1947/06/14 1969/01/31 MacLeod Aircraft, Ltd.; Vancouver, B. C.

Written off.

CF-FLV 943 1947/07/08
1957/12/06 MacLeod Aircraft, Ltd.; Vancouver, B. C.

1957/??/?? Allison Harbour, B.C.: Aircraft sank in towing, when one wing float hit a submerged log. Written off.



2015/12/18   Ex N6614K, CF-FCG.

Roger O'Grady
1520 Rang St-Joseph
Quebec J0C 1E0.

Robinson GM engine conversion.

CF-FOC 542 1947/03/28 Current. Aircraft Services Ltd.; St. James, Manitoba.
CF-FOT 628 1947/04/10
1956/12/03 Aircraft Services (Western), Ltd.; St. James, Manitoba.

Withdrawn from use.

CF-FOW CF-FOW 656 1947/04/19
1959/01/13 Northwest Air Services, Inc.; Seattle, WA, USA.

1956/05/06 Bella Bella, B. C.: aircraft crashed on landing at sea, after water looping. One passenger died.

CF-FOY 747 1947/05/02
1973/10/24 Aircraft Services (Western), Ltd., St. James, Manitoba.

1959/07/11: Near Montreal Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada: Crashed when engine failed. No injuries to pilot.

CF-FRX CF-FRX 392 1952/11/24   Ex CF-ECU.
CF-FSA 826 1947/05/20
1963/08/19 Curtiss-Reid Flying Service Ltd.; Montreal, Quebec.

1951/??/?? Written off.

CF-FSB 911 1947/06/05
1958/04/23 Curtiss-Reid Flying Service Ltd.; Montreal, Quebec.

1957 withdrawn from use. Hull sold for snowmobile,

CF-FSC 871 1947/06/03 1998/08/14 Curtiss-Reid Flying Service Ltd.; Montreal, Quebec.

To N82283.

CF-FSD CF-FSD 1011 1947/07/16
1953/05/11 Curtiss-Reid Flying Service Ltd.; Montreal, Quebec.

1952/07/02: Aircraft took off from Lac á Beauce, bound for Lac Long, Quebec. After flying some 10 miles, the aircraft had to ditch due to engine failure. Pilot and two passengers escaped with minor injuries.

CF-FSE 859 1947/06/16 1971/10/08
Curtiss-Reid Flying Service Ltd.; Montreal, Quebec.

1948/05/20: Papinachois, Province du Québec; crashed on take off from airfield.  Substantial damage.

CF-FSF CF-FSF 896 1947/06/21
1948/09/24 Curtiss-Reid Flying Service Ltd.; Montreal, Quebec.

1948/??/?? written off after accident at unnamed lake. Wreck sold by Insurance company to Curtiss-Reid Flying Service Ltd.

CF-FSG CF-FSG 919 1947/06/21 Preserved. Curtiss-Reid Flying Service Ltd.; Montreal, Quebec.
CF-FSH 948 1947/08/01
1959/09/04 Curtiss-Reid Flying Service Ltd.; Montreal, Quebec.

1950/08/04 Mount Royal, Quebec:  A forced landing (wheels retracted) in a field W of of Mount Royal resulted in serious damage to the aircraft. Cause of accident was lack of fuel.

CF-FSI 949 1947/08/18
2002/06/25 Curtiss-Reid Flying Service Ltd.; Montreal, Quebec.

Turbomeca Astazou turbo-prop, 523 SHP.

Withdrawn from use.

CF-FSJ 999 1948/06/25
1960/01/07 Curtiss-Reid Flying Service Ltd.; Montreal, Quebec.

1959/12/?? destroyed by fire Cartierville Airport, Montreal, Quebec.

CF-FUA 827 1947/05/22
1959/10/15 Aircraft Services (Western) Ltd.; St. James, Manitoba.

1955/11/10 Lockerby, Ontario:
Pilot, John E. Rumball, killed and three passengers seriously injured in crash on take-off. Aircraft destroyed. [Canadian CAR File # 5002-492].

CF-FUB 868 1947/06/03 1990/06/01 Aircraft Services (Western) Ltd., St. James, Manitoba.

To N868CB, C-GNUN.

CF-FVS 424 1952/09/02 1953/07/22 Ex N6221K.

1953/07/12 Gawley's Park, Midland, Ontario: Crashed on a local beach after loosing height (stalled) after take off from water. The pilot and three boys escaped with minor injuries.  Fifth passenger serous.

CF-FVV 1051 1947/06/03 1948/10/15 Not taken up.

To N6591K.

CF-FVW 1052 1947/06/03 1948/10/15 Not taken up.

To N6593K.

CF-FXS CF-FXS 1040 1952/09/17 1968/02/01 William W. Moffatt
Willowdale, Ontario.

1961/10/31 crashed 1/4 mile east of Edmonton Municipal Airport, Alberta, Canada, after engine failure on take off.  Hit power lines when making emergency landing. Pilot/owner seriously injured.

CF-FZY CF-FZY 882 1947/07/19 2018/09/05 Ex N6609K.

Roy Bradley
575 Sisson Settlement Road
Burtt's Corner, NB E6L 1Y5.

To N6609K.

CF-GAA 1010 1947/09/18 1969/02/21 Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

To N6727K.

CF-GAB CF-GAB 963 1947/09/23 1978/10/13 Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

Written off.

N937Z CF-GAC 964 1947/09/30 1965/11/02 Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

To N937Z.

CF-GAD CF-GAD 965 1947/09/30 Current. Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.
CF-GAE 1038 1947/09/30 Current. Ex NC6750K.

Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

CF-GAF CF-GAF 1039 1947/09/30
1955/08/16 Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

1955/02/21 Meat-Bird Lake, Creighton Mines, Ontario: Aircraft was took off from Meat-Bird Lake for destination Rome Lake, then lost altitude after take-off and struck a tree top before crashing.

C-FGLP CF-GLP 550 1949/08/30 2004/04/20 Ex N6326K.

To N48VP, N46PH.

C-FGPY 612 1950/06/12 Current. Ex N6383K.
CF-GRL CF-GRL 1060 1949/07/27
1959/01/22 Ex NC6770K.

1958/06/28 Heavy landing Farquhar Lake (45°04'N, 78°12'W), after landing down wind (15-20 kts).  The keel broken.  The aircraft turned on its back.

N87578 CF-GTW 145 1950/09/19 1962/09/13 Ex NC87578.

1960/09/20 Accident at Walls Pond, Newfoundland.

CF-GYW CF-GYW 706 1951/03/14 Current. Ex NC6455K.

1954/02/09: Patricia Bay, BC: On landing aircraft struck submerged object, thought to be ad "dead-head" log. Damages to forward hull. Repaired.

Kirk Oviatt; 1526-925 Georgia West
Vancouver, BC V6C 1R5

CF-GZX CF-GZX 593 1951/05/21
Ex NC6364K.

GM LS2 engine conversion.
"Beeboyz Seabee" (Alton & Galloway).

CF-HDQ 1046 1953/05/29 1968/09/17 Ex NC6758K
CF-HHS CF-HHS 281 1953/09/29 Current. Ex NC6098K, (CF-HER).

GM engine conversion.

CF-HNI CF-HNI 459 1954/05/25 1981/03/11 Ex NC6252K.

1965/09/18 crashed Margaret Lake, 13 miles NNW of Cochrane, Ontario.

CF-HPH CF-HPH 235 1955/04/27 Current. Ex NC6060K.
CF-HPK CF-HPK 576 1954/08/12 Deleted. Ex NC6347K.

Crashed 1957/11/21 Lac Simon, Quebec.

2007/10/02 wreck found.
2008/05/14 wreck recovered.

CF-HTW 941 1956/05/25
Ex N6664K.

Rebuilt as "Butler RB".

CF-HYD CF-HYD 855 2013/02/26 Current. Ex N6582K.

Terry R. Matthews
PO Box 1196
Camrose, Alberta T4V 1X2.

CF-IFD CF-IFD 672 1955/04/25 1998/03/24 Ex N6427K.

To N672CB.

C-FIHW CF-IHW 159 1955/08/16 Current. Ex N87590.
CF-ILM (Photo: Blair Robinson) CF-ILM 881 1956/09/13
Robinson V8 Engine conversion.
"Robinson Special".
CF-ISW CF-ISW 1008 1956/04/12 1973/06/20 Ex N6725K.

1972-06-02 Crashed 5 miles NE of the southern tip of Lac La Hache lake in central British Columbia, Canada. Owner Ken Culvert and his best friend Dale were killed.  They were flying from Richmond, BC. 

CF-IXO CF-IXO 464 1956/12/06
1973/05/03 Ex N6257K.

To N62544.

CF-JBN CF-JBN 779 1956/04/26 1970/06/03 To N11NW.
C-FJIT C-FJIT 148 1957/05/06 Current. Ex NC87580.

Henri Briaco
415 Denoirmoutier, Apt. 6
Laval, Quebec H7N 5V4

CF-JKC CF-JKC 241 1957/11/07 Current. Ex N6066K.

Leavens Bros. Air Services, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

1993/07/30 Muskoka Airport, Ontario: crashed on landing. Aircraft destroyed. 

CF-JKS CF-JKS 603 1956/11/13 1978/10/23 Ex NC6374K.

To N10198.

CF-JLI CF-JLI 1048 1957/01/21 Current. Ex NC6760K.

Geoffrey Michel
810 - 3633 Mount Seymour Parkway
North Vancouver
British Columbia V7H 0A9.

CF-KCB CF-KCB 853 1964/02/03
Current. Ex N6580K, C-FKKK, C-FKCB.
CF-KSN 388 1959/08/19 1969/03/04 Ex N6197K.

1968/11/10 Written Off.

CF-LCC 142     Ex NC87575.
CF-LOJ CF-LOJ 695 1959/09/06 1986/03/07 Ex N6445K.
CF-LPB CF-LPB 990 1959/04/?? 1973 Ex NC6707K.
CF-LPG CF-LPG 348 1959/??/??   Ex NC6160K.

Kenneth Turnbull
1370 Beach Grove Road
Delta, BC V4L 1N6.

CF-LTA CF-LTA 195     Ex N6025K. 

Exported to Turks & Caicos Islands as VQ-TPA.

CF-MRU 386 1960/??/??   Ex N6165K.
CF-MYG 227 1962/06/?? 1979/03/12 Ex N6052K.

To N283GM.

CF-MYT CF-MYT 1025 1961/01/?? Deleted. Ex N6737K.

Turbomeca Astazou II turbine engine.

CF-NNL CF-NNL 509 1961/08/?? Current. Ex N6296K.

Ryan Dearborn; Box 801, 225 - 4th Avenue West, Unity, Saskatchewan S0K 4L0.

Base of operations: Vancouver, BC.

C-FOME C-FOME 001 2010/05/05 2012/04/26

Robinson V8 engine conversion.

To N300TB, C-GVFF.

CF-ONP CF-ONP 812 1962   Ex N6546K.
C-FOXP CF-OXP 844 1963/08/26 Current. Ex N6571K.

Lloyd Smith
6023 4th Street NE
Calgary, Alberta T2K 4Z5

C-FSYC 243 1989/05/09 Current. Curtiss-Reid Flying Service Ltd.; Montreal, Quebec.


CF-WNA CF-WNA 1010 1947/09/18 2010/01/06 Leavens Bros. Air Services; Toronto, Canada.

Ex CF-GAA, N6727K.

To N9948C.

CF-XNT CF-XNT 696 1968/??/?? 1986/02/11 Ex N6446K.
C-FZYL C-FZYL 003 2009/07/30 2011/10/26 Eric B. Robinson Limited
12 Hardwood Street
Kirkfield, Ontario K0M 2B0


C-GAJH 245 1947/01/17 1984/10/24 Ex CF-DLP.

To N245RC.

C-GCEK C-GCEK 149 1974/06/?? Current. Ex N87581.

Reynolds-Alberta Museum
P.O. Box 6360
Alberta T9A 2G1

In museum.

N378NK C-GEUC 793 2013/02/18 Current. Ex CF-DKJ, N378NK, C-GLYI.

Robinson V8 engine conversion.
VEEBEE MSN 001-23-007.

C-GGXD C-GGXD 441 1977/??/?? 1999/01/29 To 5B-CJJ, N6288C.
N378NK C-GLYI 793 2011/08/12 2013/02/18 Ex CF-DKJ, N378NK.


Robinson V8 engine conversion.
VEEBEE MSN 001-23-007.

C-GNUN photo wanted! C-GNUN 868 2011/12/01 Current. Ex CF-FUB, N868CB.

Steven Kiansky; Box 185, Vita, Manitoba R0A 2K0, Canada.

Base: Altona (CJL6), Manitoba.

C-FOME C-GVFF 001 2017/05/17 Current.

Robinson V8 engine conversion.

Ex C-FOME, N300TB.

VO-ABG 73 1946/10/03   Newfoundland Aero Sales, St. Johns, Newfoundland.
VO-ABI 698 1947/04/28   Newfoundland Aero Sales & Services, St. Johns, Newfoundland.

Drawing by Jack Schofield

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Updated 2022-12-09

© 2004-2022 Steinar Saevdal