# 0104

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N918NS (Photo: Langhoff Family)

Photo: © courtesy of Langhoff Family


Manufacturer: SIAI Marchetti; Vergiate, Sesto Calende (Lago Maggiore), Italy.
Model: FN-333 Riviera
Type Certificate No: A-91 (RAI 1958-12-09)
7A5 (FAA 1958-12-15 )
Serial Number: 0104
Manufacturing Date: 1965-??-??
Engine: Continental IO-470-P six-cylinder, 250 hp at 2600 RPM.
Remarks: Mode S codes: 53132640 / ACB5A0
Stored in Germany.
Reg. No. Date Remarks
I-SIAM 1965-??-?? Manufacturing date.
1965-09-24 CdN # 7010 issued to SIAI Marchetti; Sesto Calende [Lago Maggiore], Italy.
1966-04-18 Bill of Sale issued, SIAI Marchetti to North Star Airparks Inc.
1966-04-21 CdN/E # 7121/E (Export C of A) issued for export to USA.  No marks.
1966-04-20 Cancelled from RAI for export to USA. (Dichiarazione dated 1966-04-28).
1966-04-21 Weight and balance data report RAI approved.
1966-04-28 Declaration issued that FN-333 s/n 0104, I-SIAM, was cancelled from RAI on 1966-04-20.
N918NS 1966-10-04 Application for Airworthiness Certificate; TTSN 17:15 hrs.
1966-10-10 Airworthiness Date.
1967-01-12 Registration application by North Star Airparks Inc.
1967-02-18 C of R issued to:
North Star Airparks Inc.; 304 Henry Street, Brooklyn, New York.
1966-11-03 Bill of Sale issued; North Star to Gilbert Munroe.
1966-11-03 Registration application by Gilbert Munroe.
1967-03-16 C of R issued to:
Gilbert C. Munroe; R.D. #3, Ballston Spa, New York.
1972-01-13 Noted at Schenectady, New York.
1972-03-26 Registration application by Gilbert C. Munroe.
1972-05-23 C of R issued to:
Gilbert C. Munroe; 2 Locust Lane, Londonville, New York.
Bill of sale (inadvertently omitted) West Gate Aviation.
1973-06-15 Bill of Sale issued; West Gate Aviation to Roger L. Atwood.
1974-08-17 C of R issued to:
Roger L. Atwood; 34 Hubbard Avenue, Northampton, Maine.
1974-07-13 Bill of Sale issued; Roger L. Atwood to Airplanes Inc.
1974-07-13 Registration application by Airplanes Inc.
1974-08-17 C of R issued to:
Airplanes Inc.; Box 216, Sand Point, Idaho. Thomas L. Fyock owner.
1976-10-22 Order of revocation issued.
1977-06-?? Noted at Renton, Washington.
1977-08-22 Bill of Sale issued; Airplanes Inc. to Fyock and Clark.
1977-08-13 Registration application by Richard Lee Clark and Bernard Florcke.
1977-11-02 Reinstate.
1978-01-24 C of R issued to:
Bernard Florcke & Richard Lee Clark; PO.Box 4PP, Anchorage, Alaska.
1978-09-?? Noted at Merrill Field, Alaska.
1979-04-29 Bill of Sale issued; Florcke and Clark to Florcke with incorrect s/n 108.
1979-04-30 Registration application by Bernard Florcke with incorrect s/n 108.
1979-08-22 C of R issued to:
Bernard Florcke; Box 4PP, Anchorage, Alaska.
1980-??-?? Aircraft sustained damage during a windstorm.
1983-01-05 Bill of sale issued; Bernard Florcke to Frankie L. Hamilton.
1983-01-05 Registration application by Frankie L. Hamilton.
1983-08-29 C of R issued to:
Frankie L. Hamilton; 4521 Parsons Drive, Anchorage, Alaska.
1986-01-04 Bill of Sale issued; Frankie L. Hamilton to Lewis J. Coppola.
1986-08-18 Last Action Date.
????-??-?? Sale reported; Sold to Lewis J. Coppola; 70 Trumball Avenue, Plainville, Conncticut; .
No aircraft registration application received.

1992-12-20 Second request; status: In Question.

1994-??-?? Bought by Dr. Jürgen Langhoff; Bayern, Germany.
2004-03-16 It was reported by Dr. Langhoff that "the aircraft is now 4 to 6 weeks away from its first flight after a ten year restoration".
2007-09-13 Noted at Landshut Airport (EDML); Bayern, Germany.
2008-07-17 Noted at Landshut Airport (EDML); Bayern, Germany.
2011-08-28 Noted at Landshut Airport (EDML); Bayern, Germany.
2013-08-21 C of R issued to:
Gregory Joerg Kathan; 9607 Stoneglen Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920-3003.
2014-06-01 Dr. Jürgen Langhoff passed away, 75 years old, before seeing his dream machine fly.
2014-08-05 Annual inspection; aircraft total time: 596,7 hours, engine IO-470P (s/n 97520-2-P) total time: 180,7 hrs TSO, propeller HC-C3V20-5L-1BF/F7495S total time: 0,7 hrs TSO.  "V20" modification by MT Prop, for low noise.
2014-08-08 For sale.
2018 Sold to Daniel Boden?
  Sources: Hendrik van der Veen
Langhoff Family
DGAC - Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile

N918NS (Photo: Langhoff Family)

Photo: © courtesy of Langhoff Family

N918NS (Photo: Langhoff Family)

N918NS (Photo: Langhoff Family)

N918NS (Photo: Langhoff Family)




N918NS (Photo: Langhoff Family)

N918NS (Photo: Langhoff Family)

N918NS (Photo: Langhoff Family)




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Updated 2019-12-25

© 2014-2019 Steinar Saevdal